Janet Chui

Art Fantasy

4.1/5 (55 ratings)
August 23 1977
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Janet Chui currently lives in Singapore, where three things occupy her time: her young daughter, her “day job” and art-making. When she has free time, she gardens, sews stuff, reads books about everything, and watches British TV. Her story "Black Fish" was published in the zine Say..., and received an Honorable Mention in volume 18 of The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror.

Janet Chui

Art Fantasy

4.1/5 (55 ratings)
August 23 1977
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Janet Chui currently lives in Singapore, where three things occupy her time: her young daughter, her “day job” and art-making. When she has free time, she gardens, sews stuff, reads books about everything, and watches British TV. Her story "Black Fish" was published in the zine Say..., and received an Honorable Mention in volume 18 of The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror.

Books from Janet Chui